Legal notice
Information in accordance with section 5 of the German Telemedia Act (TMG)
Name and address:
Stiftung Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum – Zentrum Internationaler Skulptur
47049 Duisburg
Düsseldorfer Strasse 51
47051 Duisburg
Tel.: +49 (0)203 283-3294
Fax: +49 (0)203 283-3892
Legal status and domicile:
Civil-law foundation with legal capacity domiciled in Duisburg
Supervisory authority:
State of North Rhine - Westphalia, Düsseldorf regional government, Department 21
Sales tax identification number:
Management, legal representative:
Dr. Söke Dinkla (CEO)
Tel.: +49 (0)203 283-7061
Fax: +49 (0)203 283-3892
info (at) lehmbruckmuseum (dot) de
Head of Aministration:
Marcus Hommers
Tel.: +49 (0)203 283-2489
Fax: +49 (0)203 283-3892
marcus (dot) hommers (at) lehmbruckmuseum (dot) de
Click on the page “Our team” to find the contact details of other staff members
The layout of this website, the graphics and images used, the collections and the individual articles are copyright protected. The operator of the website reserves all rights, including those of photomechanical reproduction, copying and distribution by means of special processes, including in part. The operator of the website accepts responsibility neither for possible typesetting errors nor for the accuracy of the entries. Liability claims based on damages of a material or immaterial nature caused by the contents of the pages are as a matter of principle ruled out.
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The Internet works as a decentral networked system with the intermediate storage and forwarding of temporary data. For this reason, a guarantee of the exclusion of manipulation and accidental falsification and a guarantee of the use only of current data (e.g., an old version still in the cache) when the data is transmitted from provider to user cannot currently be given. For this reason we draw your attention to this system-related restriction as follows: You receive these data subject to the conditions of the Internet. For this reason, no guarantee of the accuracy of the information and its conformity to the original data can be given.
External links:
With its verdict of May 12, 1998, Hamburg Regional Court decreed that whosoever includes a link may possibly be co-responsible for the contents of the linked page. According to the Regional Court, this can only be prevented by expressly dissociating oneself from these contents. The operator of this website has put on their pages links to other pages on the Internet. For all these links the following applies: Those responsible for the website expressly declare that they have no influence whatsoever on the design and the contents of the linked pages. For this reason they herewith expressly dissociate themselves from all the contents of all linked pages on their website and do not endorse them. This declaration applies to all links that appear on this website and to all contents of the pages that lead to such links.