
Nowadays more than ever the evolution and success of projects in the cultural sector depends on private individuals who actively and financially support this work.

Many of the projects and acquisitions carried out by Lehmbruck Museum in recent decades were made possible by the involvement and donations of numerous supporters. For an institution that sees itself primarily as a civic museum, such contributions are not just welcome support, but, or so we believe, confirm our strategy. Whether large or small, your donation helps us to secure our ambitious programme for the future and maintain Lehmbruck Museum as one of the greatest museums for sculpture world-wide.

Bank account of the Friends of the Wilhelm Lehmbruck Museum e.V.

Commerzbank Duisburg
Account No. 56 22 600
Bank code 350 400 38

The annual contributions are tax deductible as donations as per section 10b of the German Income Tax Act.


Jörg Mascherrek
Düsseldorfer Straße 51
47049 Duisburg
P: +49 (0)203 283-7018
F: +49 (0)203 283-3892
info [at] lehmbruckmuseum [punkt] de