Barrier-free access

Our museum is not entirely barrier-free, but the majority of the exhibition space is easily accessible. Wheelchair users can access the Old Building and the Glass Hall via ramps and lifts, while the New Building is only partly barrier-free.

Some sculptures in our collection can be touched by visually impaired people. Assistance dogs can also be brought into the museum. Unfortunately, we do not have descriptions of the exhibits in braille or introduction loops for those who are deaf or hard of hearing. However, there is the option to book a touch tour or a tour in sign language as a way to experience our collection.

We also offer programmes aimed at appealing to the senses, in particular for people with cognitive disabilities.

For information on the special tours and questions on barrier-free access in genereal, please feel free to contact the art education team.

We are working to make our museum more accessible to people with disabilities and to improve the infrastructure continually. We are always happy to receive ideas and suggestions for how we can do this. Simply talk to us or contact our art education team.


Art education at Lehmbruck Museum: open to all

In the area of art education, too, Lehmbruck Museum remains true to its motto "art is there for everyone". A broad range of events offering various perspectives on art are geared to the broader general public and aim to encourage dialogue and overcome people's reservations.

For more than three years now, Lehmbruck Museum has run programmes addressing all age groups as well as for people with special needs, such as visually and hearing-impaired visitors or people with dementia.